Got App? Microsoft helps develop MyMakati

In their commitment to better the lives of Filipinos through the use of technology, Microsoft Philippines partnered with the City of Makati to introduce its first local lifestyle app that features up-to-date information on the country’s largest business district. The MyMakati app features the city’s latest news, traffic information with the actual camera view of the busiest junctions in the city as well as live weather updates from 7 different stations across the city.

“We are pleased to work with Microsoft to place technology at the service of the people. The MyMakati App delivers real time updates on traffic, weather and city news—information that critically affects the lives of our citizens and visitors,” said Mayor Jejomar Erwin S. Binay. “MyMakati is one of our many steps of putting people toward online instead of inline and we are happy that Microsoft has committed to take this step with us.”

The city of Makati takes honor in its recent technological advancements—such as their innovative QPAX traffic system with high-tech cameras to record road violations—that were funded and prioritized to further improve traffic flow and road safety in the city.

“We are grateful that the city of Makati supports us in our mission of helping people live better lives through the use of technology,” said Karrie Ilagan, Managing Director, Microsoft Philippines. “With MyMakati, Filipinos are able to get the latest updates from the country’s business district, anytime, anywhere.”

MyMakati is one of many local apps available in the newly opened Windows Store. The Windows Store features thousands of apps ranging from lifestyle, business, news and travel. Visit for more information.

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