Two Icons, One Brand, One Stage, One Night:
The Sony MDR Live Silent Concert featuring Ely Buendia & Bamboo Manalac
– Sony Philippines culminated their Music Deserves Respect (MDR) Campaign by recently staging the first-ever silent concert in the Philippines last May 8, 2014. Celebrities, Media, Consumers and music lovers alike gathered at the Rockwell Tent in Makati City to witness an epic night of giving justice to sound. Everyone was treated to a personal listening experience of the iconic music by Ely Buendia and Bamboo, through a pair of Sony MDR headphones.
Enclosed in a soundproof glass booth, Ely Buendia and Bamboo rocked out with their fans, giving them a sample of how music sounds in its purest form as if they were in the recording studio with them.
“The first-ever silent concert was intended to showcase the importance of owning the best quality pair of headphones. Ely and Bamboo have truly made a great impact and connection with the audience through their music and we at Sony are happy to be able to present their fans with a different kind of approach to listening to their music, enhancing their personal experience even more. We are just proud to make this possible,” said Erica Dela Cruz, Marketing Communications Assistant Manager.
Unlike a normal concert where the crowd listens as music is blasted through big sound systems, there’s a tendency of unclear delivery of notes and sounds in an open setting. This silent concert allowed attendees to clearly hear every single instrument present on stage through the high quality audio directly delivered by the Sony headphones. The crowd, Bamboo, Ely and their bands got to listen to everything without the worry of missing notes during their performances.
Also gracing the event was Filipino composer and South Border member, Jay Durias who opened the concert with a few chosen songs. Bamboo sang some of his hit songs like Tatsulok, Hallelujah, Noypi and 214 while Ely performed some of Eraserheads’ hits like Alapaap, Magasin, and Ang Huling El Bimbo. All these were heard through Sony’s MDR headphones.
The audience were truly given a unique concert experience with the new range of headphones featuring Sony’s cutting edge design that provides the highest quality of sound. “The response from the crowd was great. It was fun. We truly believe that music deserves respect. And this concert was able to let the people hear the warmth and life of the music through Sony’s headphones. We are happy to be part of the MDR Campaign as we reached out to our audience and emphasized how music really deserves respect,” stressed Bamboo Manalac.
“Sony has put such a high premium on sound quality, comfort and design. The music came alive as the sound from the headphones was very clear. We all love music and it deserves respect. And it deserves to be heard the way it was meant to be heard. A lot of people attended the concert and we thank our fans and guests for being part of this,” exclaimed Ely Buendia.
The concert ended with Ely and Bamboo performing “Come Together” by the legendary band, The Beatles. “We want to thank everyone who arrived and experienced Ely and Bamboo’s music through our headphones. Sony’s MDR Campaign truly encourages people to have a better appreciation of quality music,” shared Cel Anolin, Marketing Officer – Personal Audio.
Don’t miss out on the chance to get your hands on the latest Sony MDR headphones. Head to the nearest Sony Centre and try out the new line of headphones – get a unique experience altogether and choose the best pair that suits your taste. For more information on Sony headphones and the MDR campaign, visit