In Search For the Next Mother Teresa: The ONE Philippines Humanitarian Award

A couple of months ago Jerrie Rodriguez Arraz was found guilty for abuses committed on several young women and a boy.

According to the complainant who escaped Arraz, she was hired as domestic helper just like her younger sister who was just 12 years old. She said she expected her work would only involve household chores and looking after the “six children” who were living with Arraz at the time, including her own sibling.

After a few weeks, however, things took a sinister turn, as Arraz would wake her up early in the morning for a live sex show, where he would force her to have sex with him in front of a computer, with foreigners who are his customers. Along with her sister and the other children, the housemaid would be taken to different hotels and forced by Arraz to have sex with foreign clients—Americans, Norwegians, Australians.

In October 2014, or after seven months of torment, she managed to escape and reported her ordeal to the Women and Children Protection Unit of the Philippine National Police.

By then she was four months pregnant, unsure of the child’s father due to her having multiple sexual partners.”

Arraz was convicted of human trafficking on two counts, human trafficking on two counts, rape on three counts, and for running a cyberporn operation.

Rose (not her real name), a sex worker, dabbed a piece of cotton in pigeon’s blood everynight to make her clients think she’s a virgin and fetch a higher price. Her “employer” forced her to do it.

She got pregnant and was 12 years old when she died.

Earlier this year, reported that 8 of the 10 victims rescued by the International Justice Mission from online sexual exploitation are minors, with some of them as young as two months old.

These are just a couple of stories from the thousands of child sex slaves who are being victimized everyday in the Philippines. Some of them were lured by the promise of a better life, while there are others who are being victimized by their own kin.

Cecilia Flores-Oebanda might look like any other middle aged woman you meet, but after learning of her story, you’d be surprised at everything she’s been through and what she’s been doing for those who have been victimized by human trafficking hild workers and abused women.

Cecilia joined communist rebels in the Philippines when she was just 18, at 26 she was imprisoned with a life sentence and now at 55 she has helped more than 12,000 people escape the horrors of human trafficking.

After being released from prison in 1986 she established the Visayan Forum Foundation, an organization that fights the horrors of human trafficking.

“I decided to establish the forum because I wanted to continue fighting against injustice in the Philippines. I carried on with the vision and hope of giving women the opportunity to regain their life back. It has become my motivation in every rescue work we do. The rehabilitation and restoration of survivors is my driving force. We want abused sex workers to rediscover their life with a rekindled heart to dream again,” she said in one of her interviews.

Ms. Chit Licauco of Tatler served as the event Host

The common reason, she said why young people are victimized, is because of their desire to escape poverty and have a better life in exchange for work. In actuality they are subsequently locked in a house by their captives and do undesirable things for customers.

“The traffickers do not care about their workers so long as they satisfy all the needs of their clients. Workers have no choice about anything. They are put in a room and they cannot leave that place without the permission of their oppressors. They are sometimes drugged and are subject to inhumane situations at the hands of the traffickers.” Source

For her efforts, Cecilia Flores has received numerous accolades and recognitions from here and abroad. In 2012, she was among the five finalists of THE ONE 2012 Humanitarian award.

This year, the respected award giving body has established THE ONE PHILIPPINES (TOP) Humanitarian Award (TOP),

A subsidiary project of THE ONE International Humanitarian Award, it seeks to recognize the unsung heroes in the Philippines who are doing good for and within the community.

THE ONE, was conceptualized and founded by Past District Governor David Harilela 2011-2012, and is the first international humanitarian award launched by Rotary International District 3450.

“Every day we wake up to a world of news accentuating violence, pain and suffering. We need to draw our attention to the goodness of mankind that exists in the world. THE ONE was created with the intention to find and empower an individual who is the epitome of the compassion and selflessness that lives within us all.”

“TOP is looking for the next Mother Theresa, those individuals who give their lives, who work everyday to help and serve their fellowmen. A Hero. A Healer, An Angel. THE ONE will be called many names, but most of all THE ONE will inspire all of us and stand as a shining example for all to aspire to be.” Harirela told reporters at the launch event held last week at the Happy Garden Café in Makati.

This award aims to find the unsung hero of today by accessing the powerful Rotary network of over 1.2 million people. As signified by the Rotary motto, Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

THE ONE award, will go to that special caring individual who truly puts the Rotary motto of “Service above Self.”– THE ONE who dedicates his life to helping those in need every single day.

THE ONE is someone who dedicates himself to the improvement of mankind, works for the highest standard of good, acts with compassion and kindness and can come from any part of the world, regardless of gender, race or ethnic background.

The search will commence in August 2017 and end in January 2018. The Gala Awards Night is scheduled in May or June 2018, the special evening dedicated to amazing men and women one of whom will be the first TOP.

The winner of the first TOP will receive Php 1,500,000.00 and a trophy. He or she will also automatically represent the Philippines in THE ONE International Awards and get a chance to win again.

Two runners-up will also be chosen and each will receive Php500,000.00. The award money must be used to further the winners’ humanitarian cause and service projects.

Furthermore, TOP will donate, in the name of the nominator who nominates the winner, Php150,000.00 to a Philippine Government-approved charitable organization or a Rotary club in the Philippines designated by this nominator.

For more information, visit:

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