Sulitizens get the chance to win their wish list items, the Philippines’ no.1 classified ads website, is set to shower its members with more prizes this Holiday season via their latest promo, Sulit Select. Offering an enviable roster of rewards befitting of the Christmas season, the promo lets four lucky Sulitizens take home prizes worth P10,000 to P50,000 beginning November 20 until December 14, 2012.

To join, Sulitizens can go to to play the coin shooting game and accumulate as many credits as they can. The more credits they earn, the bigger the prizes they can put on their wish list. Each week, one winner will be chosen to take home his selected prize through a raffle draw. From the latest gadgets and rare collectibles to fashion items and accessories, users have full control of what they can win on Sulit Select. Only members with active accounts and current ad postings are eligible to join this promo.

Visit now and be part of this season’s coolest gift-giving promo.

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